Best coach in the sport, solid foundation from his methods, gun fit, pre shot routine, ‘mental game’ covered, if you can’t understand what he’s trying to teach you, he can take your gun and demonstrate there and then…that’s invaluable!!! Ben has never told me where I’ve missed, he’s always told my why I’ve missed, knowing why makes you a better shooter!!! His lessons are all about the process not the outcome, get the process correct and the outcome will look after itself!!! I went to Ben for a lesson 6 years ago as a new shooter to the sport. He quickly helped me out of struggling in C class to making the Scottish team at the sporting home international 15 months later. Since then I’ve shot for both the Scottish sporting and FITASC teams. Not only the best coach in the sport, the best value for money too…because there’s no bullshit!!!
James Johnstone
24th January 2019